Sheila A. Sagear

Welcome to my website! I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Astronomy at the University of Florida . With my advisor Professor Sarah Ballard, I study exoplanets around the smallest and coolest stars. I recieved my Bachelor's degree in Astronomy & Physics from Boston University in 2020. In the past, I have been a Flatiron Pre-Doctoral Fellow in the Center for Computational Astrophysics at the Flatiron Institute, an intern at the Kepler/K2 Guest Observer office at NASA Ames and the FastML group at CERN. Download my CV.


The Orbital Eccentricities of Planetary Systems Orbiting M dwarfs

Leveraging the photoeccentric effect , we combine Kepler transit light curves with stellar density information from spectroscopy and parallaxes from Gaia to constrain the orbital eccentricities for over 150 planets around nearby M dwarfs. Within a Bayesian hierarchical framework, we draw out the underlyling eccentricity distribution for planets around M dwarfs and find two distinct populations: single-transit, higher eccentricity planets and multi-transit, low-eccentricity planets. We use planet occurrence information to constrain the volume-limited occurrence rate of eccentric M dwarf planets. Read the paper in PNAS here.

Upper Limits on Planet Occurrence around Ultracool Dwarfs

As an undergraduate at Boston University, I worked with my advisors Prof. Philip Muirhead and Dr. Julie Skinner to constrain the upper limit of planet occurrence around late-M and early-L dwarfs (or "ultracool dwarfs") in our local neighborhood. We conducted a planet search around 827 ultracool dwarfs observed by NASA's K2 mission, and found none. Using this null result, we constrained the upper limit of planet occurrence around ultracool dwarfs in the local neighborhood, accounting for our transit detection efficiency and transit probability. Read the paper in the Astronomical Journal here.


  1. Sagear, Sheila A.; Skinner, Julie N.; Muirhead, Philip S., “ Upper Limits on Planet Occurrence around Ultracool Dwarfs with K2 " , The Astronomical Journal, vol. 160, no. 1, id.19, 7 pp., 2020. >
  2. Tamburo, Patrick; Muirhead, Philip S.; McCarthy, Allison M.; Hart, Murdock; Gracia, David; Vos, Johanna M.; Bardalez Gagliuffi, Daniella C.; Faherty, Jacqueline; Theissen, Christopher; Agol, Eric; Skinner, Julie N.; Sagear, Sheila > “ The Perkins INfrared Exosatellite Survey (PINES) I. Survey Overview, Reduction Pipeline, and Early Results, " The Astronomical Journal, Volume 163, Number 6
  3. Di Guglielmo, Giuseppe; Duarte, Javier; Harris, Philip; Hoang, Duc; Jindariani, Sergo; Kreinar, Edward; Liu, Mia; Loncar, Vladimir; Ngadiuba, Jennifer; Pedro, Kevin; Pierini, Maurizio; Rankin, Dylan; Sagear, Sheila; Summers, Sioni; Tran, Nhan; Wu, Zhenbin, “ Compressing Deep Neural Networks on FPGAs to Binary and Ternary Precision with HLS4ML " Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 2, 015001.



I published an open-source Python package called photoeccentric, which includes a suite of tools to process Kepler transit lightcurves, calculate stellar densities, and perform transit fitting to constrain eccentricities using only photometric data + stellar density priors. This package is under active development.

I also contribute to lightkurve, a user-friendly, open-source Python package for working with Kepler, K2, and TESS data.


My lovely group at the OWL Exoplanet Workshop in Santa Cruz, CA.